For over thirty years, Micah House has helped women struggling with addiction and homelessness to live independent, stable lives.
“Micah House gave me the first step to my personal freedom. After being incarcerated and after my first year in recovery, I was testing the waters, gaining my independence back. I was becoming responsible again - paying rent and bills and having a full-time job. It was great being there and having other women in recovery as well as a support system. It’s been a journey. It’s not easy, but it can be done. Micah House was definitely critical to my success.”
— L.T.
“The one-on-one counseling and group meetings once a week were important. Living in a group situation turned out to be good for me. Since I left Micah House, things have gone real well. I’ve been employed and remained alcohol and drug free for 13 years. Micah House was very instrumental.”
— D.M.

“When I left treatment for drug abuse and transition… I didn’t have anywhere to go. As soon as I came through the door at Micah House, I had this really warm feeling… Living at Micah House kept me focused and helped me be at peace. I saved money through the whole process. I wouldn’t have made it, and I definitely wouldn’t have made it as far as I have, without Micah House… There was a lot of structure at Micah House, so I could do what I had to do and be responsible. God has been good to me. It was the opportunity of a lifetime.”
— R.M.
“To live in a house with a lot of other women was not something I thought I wanted to do. I didn’t think I had much in common with them… But Micah House helped me to be able to bond, and build relationships, and become more open and deal with a lot of issues.”
- D.M.